The goal of this project was to create a website where UH students can meet new people and find roommates with each other. In some sense, similar to tinder where you match with others, this web application was created to match with other people and become roommates. There is a sign up and sign in/sign out functionality where you can create accounts and profiles. When creating an account, you can create a profile with your personal preference and find others. There is a “My Profile” page which allows the users to check out their own profile as well as edit it if something needed to be edited. Additionally, there is a “Profiles” page which allows the user to browse and look at others profiles in order to match with them. If they decide to match with them, the user’s profile page has multiple ways of contacting the user.
The issues that I was tasked to work with was to work with the Sign In and Sign Up page. Although it was almost the standard one from a template, I was able to create a functionality on the Sign up page which only takes the input of accounts. This means that using other emails like or can not be used as only UH students can sign up with accounts. Additionally, I helped with some of the basics of the webpage like the routing as well as formatted the code to look better. The other main task I was assigned to was the task of creating a social media functionality. On the create profile or edit profile page, if the user decides to add their social media as contact, it will show up on their profile page. If they decide to not add all social medias, only the social medias they added will show up. For example, if one user adds instagram and snapchat as their social media, the icons for instagram and snapchat will show up with the correct routing. On the other hand, if the user decides to only add one of the two, only one of the two icons they added will show up. Although working on a large team was great experience for me, there were some bumps we ran into along the way. One problem was the communication as some of us were not always on at the same time to discuss and work on things. The only main time we were able to really meet up and do things together was when we were in class. Another problem was merging issues as some things were required to keep when merging branches. It can sometimes be stressful to deal with situations like these as it can hinder you from meeting deadlines. Although we had this, we eventually pulled our pants up and worked together as a team to output a web application successfully. Despite running into these problems, it taught me how to strive and improve even though there were multiple deficits or hindrances.
Project Overview: Roommate Radar. Project Source Code: Roommate Radar.