What is a Question?

09 Sep 2021

My Thoughts

Having smart questions are important for all careers including all of engineering. This is important especially for engineering as there are specific and complex information revolving around our career and what we do. Additionally, the world is slowly evolving everyday meaning that our grasp of all of this information will slowly become more harder and complex for us to understand. Asking smart questions are important as it would be difficult and time consuming for us to search through documents and such rather than asking the people around us or online for help. Being able to ask people can be more efficient as we can rely on people with experience to build upon and teach us.

Having the ability to ask effective and smart questions can strengthen and develop our ability to be a more efficient and experienced engineer. Every time we ask a smart question, we slowly develop our knowledge and our ability to work better. I feel that asking questions is always better than being stuck on something for hours. Without questions, we do not progress in our careers and our future as we are stuck or hindered by a problem. It is important to always ask questions, especially smart ones as it gives us the understanding we need to know about our constant changing world.

A Smart Question

Link to smart question: Smart Question Link.

The user asks a clear and concise questions about API. The user gives a clear description about the problem they are having as well as shows that they have attempted to look and reserach at documents and online for solutions. The questions describes how they are still confused on how to query 2 separate APIs as well as the set-up. The user makes it clear that they have read through all of the documents for Nuxt.js environment variables and Axios module but is still confused and requires help to understand the mechanics behind this problem.

A Not So Smart Question

Link to not so smart question: Not So Smart Question Link.

The user decides to ask a question about their HTML code. Although the user could be new to coding overall, the way he asks and executes the question seems to be done poorly. The user decides to stick the phrase “I need some help” into their title rather than using a more realistic title to state their problems about margin. Additionally, the user does not put a description about their problem and what the user needed help on. Rather, the user decides to attach a link to an image of the problem. Although it does show the problem, it does not describe what the user wants or what the user is looking to fix. Another problem with this question is that the user also attached a link to the code rather than showing the part of the code that could be broken. The user could have made the question better by describing the problem and showing the part of the code the user thinks is broken. Although there was no answer to the question, the thread was closed as well as multiple downvotes. This shows that although the user could have gotten a specific answer, the user could have also used the internet to search up similar solutions or tutorials as this was a general topic.