Looking at different websites and web applications, you tend to see that a lot of the functionality and such seems to be the same. Using UI Frameworks are almost just like using HTML AND CSS. However, why would someone use a UI Framework when you could just use basic CSS and HTML to code about the same thing? Using UI Frameworks like Semantic UI can be more efficient and useful than using just basic coding languages like HTML and CSS as it provides certain tools and functionalities that make it easier and faster to write. Web Frameworks like these help provide a structure in our applications and apply additional features without having to put in that much work.
Using Frameworks like Semantic UI can be beneficial as it makes create a similar web application or your own web application easier and more professional. If you think about it, HTML is like the person’s facial/body features and CSS are the clothes while a UI Framework is like the make up and accessories. Using Web Frameworks like these can be beneficial, especially making a professional website. Having these can give you momentum in building an application and provide with a solid foundation with responsive features like menus, buttons, and forms. For investing time into learning a Framework, it can be quick and efficient to pick up as you can provide a decently working front-end in the matter of minutes or hours.
From personal experience, I have used different Web Frameworks to create websites before like Angular JS and Vue JS. However, every Framework usually tends to have a different way to format code. Although each Framework could have a different way to input and format code, they have similar structures with different naming conventions. I felt that it was easy to pick up a Web Framework like Semantic UI as it was similar to other Frameworks I have worked with, but I still had to look certain functionalities and features in the Semantic UI library to implement as some things were different. Although you could recreate similar websites using basic HTML and CSS, it would be more difficult and time consuming compared to using a Framework. For example, instead of spending multiple hours styling and creating a similar structure to the website shown above, I was able to similarly create the same website using Semantic UI in less than one hour as shown below. I think that using Web Frameworks like Angular, React, Vue, or event Semantic are great to learn as they are easy to pick up and can drastically improve your development skills in web applications.